Friday, October 28, 2011

Relationship between Learning and Motivation

     Learning is inseparable from the service industry. Hotels, restaurants, and tourism service companies are the representative of the service industry. Hospitality companies are service oriented and service centered. Thus, logding industry invests hundreds of million dollars in training program (Frash, Antun, Kline, & Almanza, 2010). Thus, it is reasonable that executives and researchers have interests in the efficiency of transfer of training, because the remained knowledge changes for the far worse as time goes by. In order to improve this problem, the trainer should first learn about the impact factors to help trainee keep more knowledge. Trainee characteristics like motivation, training design like blueprint, and work environment like feedback are those factors. I like the third one, because that is related to the maintenance of the transfer.

     On the other hand, motivation is a matter of concern of all industries. Reading some articles, there are two types about motivation; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The examples of the intrinsic motivation are achievement, enjoyment, and interest, also ones of the extrinsic motivation are money, grade, and punishment. Many researches emphasize the intrinsic motivation, because of the higher effectiveness and the hardship of the economic crisis now. It may be sure that the arguments are certain. Which one is more important? I think that it is hard to gauge the importance of one. The reason is that it depends on the culture and the time. For example, many people first want the money for the safety which is the basic need of human. In a practical site, the purpose of a company is profit and money. However, if the person satisfy with their basic need, they would look for more ideal value for own life. That is about the intrinsic motivation.

     I felt something was wanting. The relationship between learning and motivation was the interesting subject for me. However, I did not find out the proper materials. I just guess there are strong relationship between two theories, because both refer the contents and the principles of each other. Also, like the article about learning style preference, the diversity of the motivation preference as the nationality or culture background could be valuable research idea. Try it sometime!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My personality

     The test of personality (click to see the test) was so interesting. Although I had several psychological tests ever, but this may be more informative. I read the statement and questions carefully, and got the total number. In conclusion, the highest type was 'O' (Owl) and the second was 'L'(Lamb), and the total numbers were similar; O was 54 and L was 53.

     Mirroring myself, the result may make sense. I have the characteristics not only to find out the reason of my problem, but also to understand other's difficulties. As the bloger said, there is no evaluation like which one is better on this test. However, I think that there are distinct advantages to each types of characteristics. If I want to be an successful entrepreneur, I should consider whether I have the characteristics like a bull or a tiger. The type of bull means the competitive, the venturesome, the loves a challenge and so on. Also, the tiger has the meaning of the enthusiastic, the promoter, the high risk taker and so on. On the other hand, I have different types of an owl and a lamb. I could use the advantages from the types' meanings like the analytical, the conscientious,  the liking other peoples' opinion, the patient and so on.

     In addition to that, it seems that the characteristics could be changed although the bases of characteristics are permanent. In my case, the result of this test could be changed if I did when I was an university student. Maybe, it could be that I was a tiger or a bull. I remember that I was fearless, very socially oriented, often late, and eager. After the marriage and 30 years old, I fell that I have been changed from a tiger to an owl. Sometimes I miss the highest confidence, but I believe that I have done well. This was a good time to make me think about my life again.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Consumers who consider the ecological business

Tons of energy were spent by consumers like tourists in a hospitality industry. Tourists may use more water, more electricity, and more towels at a hotel or a restaurant than at home, because they feel free like a deviation from everyday life. Some researches showed that tourists easily throw trashes, scribble on the wall, and shout loudly. Therefore, tourists may become a king/queen in a private hotel room, in that those are free.

However, it seems to start to change the attitude of tourists. Recent, the fair tourism or fair tourist is important issue. Fair tourists consider the goodness on the destination. They recognize the problems due to the behaviors of tourists, and also try to reduce them by themselves. I could find the proper video as below.
He looks enjoying his decision and consideration.

A hotel is not an extravagant house, but a pleasant destination. Ultimately, businesses in a hospitality industry have to know how to be sustained for themselves as well as how to earn money. The efforts to reduce energy and to enhance pleasantness will be an essentially strategical point toward the good tourists and consumers.

Team Culture and Drinking in Korea

When I was a freshman in the University in Seoul, I applied for the engineer team of the university broadcasting station. I almost failed the written test because questions were related to the subject of engineer study. After the test, I should take the interview with some applicants for 30 minutes. Some interviewer ask so individual questions like "How much can you drink?", "Can you work during several nights at the station?", "Sing a song". Many applicant and I were perplexed with new culture shock. However I also asked same questions to new applicants 1 year later when I was a director in the broadcasting station.

In my country, some individually sensitive factors are considered to be a member of a team although the strictness has been weaker now. Thus, events in a company are treated importantly than ones at home in many places. Sometimes, the behaviors (like drinking together) in an association after businees hour is very crucial. Interestingly, that the other should drink equally if one drink one shot shows the characteristic of the team culture in Korea.

I think that this phenomenon has both advantage and disadvantage. Advantage is that we can be gathered faster and easier with the events and drinking at night. Thus, one help co-workers heartly after the business hour. Also, it is easy not only to get an agreement, but also to make a consensus in a short time. On the other side, the strongly gathered team culture may make unreasonable decision makings. Plus, the emotions of each individuals can intervene on the business and it occurs absurdities and corruptions.

It seems that diversity exists diversely.