Friday, September 23, 2011

Task behavior types and the application idea

A company is a group of units. Some departments, several teams, and lots of workers. According to each team or the individual, there are diverse roles and characteristics in a company. Therefore, we have to understand their colors or styles to make synergy effect together. However, the problem is how to manage the company or what to focus on to find out the strategy.

In fact, it is obvious that we are mixed in a group with different sex, age, nationality, culture and so on. Perhaps, our industries may undergo the hardship more than other ones, because hotel or restaurant business is a labor intensive industry.

In our class on Sep. 20th., we could discuss a bunch of the task behavior types. Defining the task behavior may be so useful not only to grasp an individual tendency toward task, but also to manage the human resources. For example, it could be more effective that a person who seems to be an information seeker and information giver works in a strategy planning team rater than in a house keeping team. Also, when a restaurant wants to hire new manager, they should meet a person who has a characteristic like a coordinator, an evaluator, or energizer.

<Task Behaviors>

Information seeker   /   Information giver   /   Opinion giver   /   Elaborator   /   Coordinator   /   Orienter   /   Evaluator-critic   /   Energizer   /   Procedural technician   /   Recorder   /  

In my opinion, the best way to get the goal of the unit is to hire competent people in a proper team. On the other hand, the worker could get better opportunities, analyzing own type of task behavior.

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